Michael Conroy passed last night at age 68 of a brain aneurysm. Mike’s father married Anais Harding, the cousin of Donna’s father, Lou. Mike, like his dad, was an attorney; I can personally attest to his legal talents. When Donna and I were engaged, I was a very low-paid journalist for a group of publications covering the telecommunications industry around the time of the breakup of AT&T. One day I got the opportunity to cover a Supreme Court trial. It was pretty heady stuff for a relatively inexperienced reporter to be in attendance at the high court and to see the Supremes—they were like celebrities sitting behind the large, elevated dais, each of them recognizable. When the session was over and I had written my story, I headed to Annapolis to visit my friend Lee and to brag about my big experience. We went to Riordan’s, I believe, one of the bars on the square that faces Ego Alley, the dock where boaters moor and show off their vessels. ...