Donna and I go to Washington every spring to see the cherry blossoms that ring the Tidal Basin. It’s a rite of spring and, like the start of baseball season, signals the end of winter. This year, after the winter we had, saying hello to spring was especially welcome. I don’t think this past winter set any records, but standard-setting or not, it was awful. Way too much snow, way too many frigid days, and way too long. We had three big snows just in March—one on the 3rd, another on St. Patrick’s Day and the final indignity on the 26 th . I know, I know, cry me a river. Today was the first 70-degree day we’ve had, and sunny with an azure-blue sky. We decided to drive and made the trek and found a parking space (sort of legal, I’ll leave it at that) not far from the Jefferson Memorial in about an hour. The TV news people had been telling everyone in the Washington viewing area that today would be the best day to come, an...