I recently retired after a 44-year career in journalism, publishing, corporate communications, and organizational change management. Over that time, I’ve worked for small, family-owned businesses, large multibillion-dollar publicly traded companies, and lots in between. I’ve had many good bosses, a few lousy bosses, and some truly great bosses. It’s been an incredible journey. I spent years on Capitol Hill covering hearings on the breakup of AT&T, sat in on Supreme Court cases, attended briefings at the White House. As the head of corporate communications for a large real estate developer, I travelled to Rome and Madrid, flew in the corporate jet, scripted investor calls, drafted CEO letters to shareholders, arranged deskside chats for the CEO at the top business publications. I wrote, edited or published newsletters in industries from telecom to IT, fashion to waste management, pharmaceuticals to transportation, and more. I met celebrities and sociopaths, and over the dec...