One of the things I love about traveling abroad is learning about different cultures. Sometimes you may learn something profound or have an epiphany about your own culture. Other times you learn something amusing or mildly entertaining. Such is the case with some final thoughts about our latest trip to Ireland. Naming conventions : The names Irish ascribe to many things are different from our names. You need trash bags? No, what you need are rubbish sacks or refuse sacks . Dish detergent? No such thing. Perhaps you’re looking for washing-up liquid . Illegally parked? Your car won’t get booted , but it may get clamped . Signage : I’ve written before about signage – it’s occasionally not very explicit or helpful, and sometimes quirky. But there’s often a discernable politeness to it that reflects the underlying kindness of the people. Rainbows : We took it as a good omen when we saw a rainbow soon after we landed on Irish soil. We kept seeing them. Near our house in Dingle,...