After Kate’s wedding, Donna and I were ready to take a few days off. There’s a considerable amount of stress in planning a big production like a wedding: You worry that you will forget something; that the vendors won’t do what they’re supposed to do, when they’re supposed to do it; that the weather won’t cooperate; and on and on. When it’s over, and everything has gone well, and there were no fistfights or wine thrown in someone’s face, and no one fell and hurt themselves or threw up in the limo or missed the bus and were stranded at the venue; when you realize you got through the day and can’t find anything that didn’t go just as you had hoped, you take a deep breath, say a prayer of thanks, and trade in your real clothes for flip-flops and a tee-shirt. So we headed to New Jersey’s Long Beach Island, a barrier island that we have visited just about every summer since we were married, and where Donna spent her summers since she was a little girl. It's a place that’s made fo...